International workshop “SuperDARN as a powerful instrument for space science research: Principles, technique, results”


The workshop was held by the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics on 26–29 August, 2008. The aim of the seminar was to prepare for the deployment of HF radars in Siberia and Ural. These radars will join the worldwide SuperDARN network.

The workshop provided Russian scientists with the most valuable information about SuperDARN data management, methods of data processing and interpretation. It was also an opportunity to discuss scientific results obtained from the very beginning of the SuperDARN programme.

Names of the guests, who participated at the workshop, are listed below.

Three kinds of presentations were reported at the workshop:

(1) lectures of the leading specialists on SuperDARN data management, methods of data processing and interpretation,

(2) reports describing results of various ionospheric and magnetospheric investigations, and

(3) discussion on the preparation of HF radars’ deployment in Siberia and Ural.

The workshop was held in the camping-hotel Yolochka (a picturesque locality near Irkutsk), on the bank of the Angara River. Social programme included the Baikal sightseeing tour on board the boat and the excursion to the Museum of Wooden Architecture on the bank of the Angara River.

Here you can see photos illustrating different activities during the workshop.

Local Organizing Committee

16:00, 1 July 2008, Administrator,

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