International Heliophysical Year - 2007: A new approach to the Solar-Terrestrial Physics


For the attention of participants of the International Symposium "International Heliophysical Year - 2007: A new approach to the Solar-Terrestrial Physics" that took place in Zvenigorod (Moscow region) on 5-11 November 2007! Requirements on presenting articles for publication in Proceedings of the Symposium are given here

[edit] Requirements on presenting articles for publication

Articles are accepted as electronic documents in MS Word format, 12 pt. Times New Roman font.

Page parameters: A4; margins (head, bottom, left, right) are 2 cm.

Article title: bold type, capital letters, center alignment.

Authors: full name, organization (no abbreviation), bold type, center alignment.

Abstract: each article must have an abstract that is of one column, 12 pt, justified alignment, 1.5 line spacing.

Body text: one column, 12 pt, 0.5 cm indented line, justified alignment, 1.5 line spacing

Formulas must be in MathType.

Figures and captions can be in the text or follow it. Besides, figures must be presented separately in jpg, bmp, or Grapher (with the dat. file). Legends in figures must be distinctly typed, because the final text version is of two columns, and the width of figures is limited to 8 cm (if required, a figure may occupy two columns; i.e., 16 cm).

[edit] Examples of presenting References:


  1. Howard R., Stenflo J.O. On the filamentary nature of solar magnetic fields // Solar Phys. 1972. V. 22. P. 402–417.
  2. Frazier E.N., Stenflo J.O. On the small-scale structure of solar magnetic fields // Ibid. 1972. V. 27. P. 330–346.
  3. Jetsu L., Pohjolainen S., Pelt J., Tuominen I. Is the longitudinal distribution of solar flares nonuniform? // Astron. Astrophys. 1997. V. 318. P. 293-307.
  4. Дворников В.М., Сдобнов В.Е. Связь геоэффективных взрывных процессов на Солнце со структурой и динамикой полей гелиосферы // Геомагнетизм и аэрономия. 1995. Т. 35, № 6. С. 20-26.
  5. Ulrich R.K. Analysis of magnetic flux tubes on the solar surface from measurements at Mt. Wilson of λ 5250 and λ 5233 // Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun / Eds. Giampapa M.S. and Bookbinder J.A. ASP Conf. Ser. 1992. V. 26. P. 265–267.
  6. Snodgrass H.B., Kress J.M., Wilson P.R. Observations of the polar magnetic fields during the polarity reversals of cycle 22 // Solar Phys. 2000. V. 191. P. 1–19.
  7. Wilcox J.M., Severny A.B., Colburn D.S. Solar source of interplanetary magnetic field // Nature. 1969. V. 224, N 5217. P. 353-354.
  8. Hoeksema J.T. Large-scale structure of the heliospheric magnetic field: 1976-1991 // Solar Wind / Eds. by Marsch E. and Schwenn R. Oxford, Pergamon, 1992. P. 191-196.
  9. Веселовский И.С. Гелиосфера и солнечный ветер в максимуме 23-го цикла // Солнечно-земная физика. 2002. Вып. 2. С. 50-53.
  10. Витинский Ю.И., Копецкий М., Куклин Г.В. Статистика пятнообразовательной деятельности Солнца. М.: Наука, 1986. С. 258-277.
  11. Мордвинов А.В., Плюснина Л.А. Магнитные актив­ные долготы и изменения вращения Солнца в 1610-2000 гг. // Солнце в эпоху смены знака магнитного поля / Под ред. Макарова В.И. ГАО РАН. Санкт-Петербург. 2001а. С. 289-296.

00:00, 4 December 2007, Administrator,

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