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Short information

Founded in 1960 on the basis of the Siberia's oldest geomagnetic observatory formed in 1886. Director - D.Sc. (Phys.&Math.) A.V. Medvedev. Total staff: 506, including 143 researchers, 36 Doctors of Science, 78 Candidates of Science, and 125 engineers, 124 - staff of observatories.

Major research areas

According to the Charter of the Institute, the main fields of research are as given below:

Fundamental, exploratory and applied research studies in the following main research areas:
  • solar physics: study of structure and activity of the Sun and sunlike stars; physics of solar flares and coronal mass ejections; study of the Sun evolution, structure of solar magnetic fields and coronal plasma; helioseismology; radio emission mechanisms and methods of coronal plasma diagnostics; monitoring of active solar processes as the sources of disturbances in the heliosphere, magnetosphere, ionosphere and the Earth atmosphere; elaboration of new methods and equipment for astrophysics and solar physics research;
  • near-Earth space physics: physics of the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere; study of the magnetosphere–ionosphere–atmosphere–lithosphere relationships; detecting mechanisms of the heliospheric factors influence on near-Earth space and the Earth's atmosphere, study of space weather effects; ionospheric radio wave propagation and radiophysical remote sensing methods; elaboration of new methods and equipment for diagnostics and monitoring of the environment (magnetosphere, ionosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere) and active impact on it;
  • problems of asteroid and comet impact hazards and space ecology: development of optical and radio-physical methods in the fields of asteroid and comet impact hazards, space anthropogenic pollution and ecology; monitoring of space debris and condition of spacecrafts and stations;

analysis and forecast of state of the Earth's climate system: elaboration and enhancement of models of climate change physical mechanisms, solar activity taken into account; factors forming weather and climate; influence of heliosphere and geosphere factors on atmosphere and stratosphere-troposphere exchange.

The main directions of research comply with the Program of fundamental research for State academies of sciences for 2013-2020 (approved by the Russian Federation Government (resolution of December, 03, 2012, No.2237-р).

Space weather monitoring and forecast in an effort to solve a number of applied problems;

International collaboration

The Institute is participating in many international research programs and projects in the field of solar-terrestrial physics, realized mainly in the frame of bilateral agreements and treaties on scientific collaboration. The ISTP SB RAS has agreements with the following foreign scientific organizations:

  • National Astronomical Observatories CAS, Beijing, China.
  • National Institute for Environmental Studies Environment Agency of Japan, Tsukuba.
  • Nobeyama Radio Observatory, Nagano, Japan.
  • Haystack Observatory of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
  • Purple Mountain Observatory CAS.
  • Center for Space Sci. & Applied Research CAS. In the frame of this agreement ISTP SB RAS and CSSAR CAS have established the Russian-Chinese Joint Research Center on Space Weather. In accordance with the Charter of Joint Research Center the ISTP SB RAS holds and takes part in annual workshops organized alternately by the Russian and Chinese parties.
  • Research Center for astronomy and geophysics Mongolian AS. In the frame of this agreement the ISTP SB RAS holds and takes part in annual workshops organized alternately by the Russian and Mongolian parties.

The main directions of research comply with the Program of fundamental research for State academies of sciences for 2013-2020 (approved by the Russian Federation Government (resolution of December, 03, 2012, No.2237-р). The Institute holds annual Baikal Young Scientific International School. The institute research assistants actively cooperate with research teams from Finland, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, the U.S.A., the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and others.

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