Integrated Magnetic-Ionospheric Observatory


Head of the Observatory is D. Sc. (Phys.&Math.) R.A. Rakhmatulin


[edit] Lines of research

  • Origin and diagnostics of geoeffective solar wind structures
  • Simulation of magnetospheric disturbances
  • Electromagnetic waves in the ionosphere

[edit] Activities

  • Observation of variable geomagnetic field activity
  • Monitoring of cosmic-ray intensity

[edit] The Baikal Magneto-Telluric Observatory (Uzur)

The Baikal Magneto-Telluric Observatory of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Lake Baikal, Olkhon island). Foreground: Ring Gauge Installation (RING) designed to register the vertical component of the variable electromagnetic field in the range from 0 to 300 Hz.

[edit] Magnetic Observatory "Irkutsk"

The notion of the liquid state of matter at the Earth’s core has led geophysicists to the conclusion that the main geomagnetic-field component might be generated like dynamo. Complex convective and electromagnetic internal processes should influence the geomagnetic field. The world-wide network of magnetic observatories has performed continuous measurements of the geomagnetic field for some decades. The Magnetic Observatory joined them in 1887.


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